Uniform Reflects Equality

Uniforms allow all students to feel equal.

Uniform prevents bullying and competition based on clothing.

Uniforms encourage students to develop pride in their appearance.

Please join us to help millions of students, who need School Uniforms & School Supplies to pursue their dream

Sponsor a Student

School Uniform, School Bag, School Supply (Notebooks, Pencil Box, Geometry Box etc.)

Sponsor a School

School Uniform, School Bag, School Supply (Notebooks, Pencil Box, Geometry Box etc.)

Sponsor a Scholarship

Higher education scholarship, we provide about a sum of 250$/year per student.

Free School Uniform

Free School Bags

Healthy Mid-Day Meal

About Our Charity

” The best way to find yourself is –

to lose yourself in the service of others “

-Mahatma Gandhi

We make a difference in the lives of children during a very important time of their life. We provide their educational resources and ease their burden.

Who We Are ?

According to a UNICEF report, some 6.2 million children in Bangladesh are out of school. Family in poverty, working children and children in remote areas affected by the disaster are often denied their right to education. Most poor families had to fight against overwhelming challenges to send their children to school. One of many challenges is providing basic school supplies and uniforms. My School Uniform Org is an organisation, where many like-minded volunteers stand together to help these less privileged children. With your generous support, My School Uniform Org provides free school-uniforms, school-bags and other school-supplies for vulnerable children.

Our Mission

Our mission is to support underprivileged school children in Bangladesh by providing School Uniform and other school supplies they need to attend school and empowering them to:

Feel equal to all other students

Stop dropping out from school

Pursue their dream to get better education

Student Supported

School Covered

Scholarship Sponsored

Volunteer Workers

What we Do

My School Uniform Org is a Non-Profit organisation, which works for underprivileged children and supports them by providing free school uniforms, school bags and other school supplies.


We volunteer in many ways to help school, students and school community.

Tree Plantation

We organise tree plantation programs to greening the school compound.


fundraising is important in gerareting donation of cash, uniform & books

Books for Library

We collect donated books to build new school library and enrich existing school libraries.


Many of our volunteers are also active proud donor in our ongoing projects.

Clean Up School

We empowers school communities to clean up and conserve our environment

Uniform 4 Uniform

Uniform 4 Uniform is a fund-raising initiative of My School Uniform Org. We have created a platform for uniform buyer organisations and uniform manufactures. Uniform 4 Uniform works as a volunteer sourcing partner and finds every possible way to save costs in the manufacturing process. We donate all saved money to My School Uniform Org.


Research shows that a child’s ability to concentrate in class is negatively impacted if they are hungry. It is increasingly difficult, particularly for low-income families and families living in poverty to provide enough healthy food for all the family each week. Mid-Day-Meal is a free meal for the student program of My School Uniform Org. We are offering free and healthy food for all students so that they can focus more on their studies rather than starve.

Top Partners

More than 60% of consumers are more likely to recommend a brand that gives even a small portion of its annual profits to charity. By becoming a corporate charity partner, you can boost your business’s visibility and integrity and also can make a real and lasting difference to children in need.

Become a Volunteer

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